
3 Robotic Suitcases That Auto Follow & Carry Your Things3 Robotic Suitcases That Auto Follow & Carry Your Things

3 Robotic Suitcases That Auto Follow & Carry Your Things

Having to carry bags when you travel is not a lot of fun. Wouldn't it be nice if you could…

9 years ago
COWAROBOT R1 Robotic Suitcase Autonomously Follows YouCOWAROBOT R1 Robotic Suitcase Autonomously Follows You

COWAROBOT R1 Robotic Suitcase Autonomously Follows You

What's better than a regular suitcase? Maybe a robotic one that can follow its owner autonomously. The COWAROBOT R1 suitcase…

9 years ago
NUA Robotic Suitcase Follows You, Charges Your PhoneNUA Robotic Suitcase Follows You, Charges Your Phone

NUA Robotic Suitcase Follows You, Charges Your Phone

Here is a carry-on bag that follows you automatically and avoids obstacles. NUA can charge your smartphone, tablet, or laptop.…

9 years ago
Space Case 1 Smart SuitcaseSpace Case 1 Smart Suitcase

Space Case 1 Smart Suitcase

Smart suitcases are nothing new. We have covered a bunch of them that let you track and weigh them using…

10 years ago
Bluesmart Smart Suitcase: Recharge, Locate & Track TripsBluesmart Smart Suitcase: Recharge, Locate & Track Trips

Bluesmart Smart Suitcase: Recharge, Locate & Track Trips

Meet the Bluesmart: a smart carry-on suitcase that pairs with your smartphone to make your life easier. You can use…

10 years ago