
Fitbit Sense Advanced Health Smartwatch with EDA SensorFitbit Sense Advanced Health Smartwatch with EDA Sensor

Fitbit Sense Advanced Health Smartwatch with EDA Sensor

There are going to be a bunch of new advanced Fitbit watches on the market soon. The Fitbit Sense is…

5 years ago
Vital Scout: Smart HRV Patch That Monitors StressVital Scout: Smart HRV Patch That Monitors Stress

Vital Scout: Smart HRV Patch That Monitors Stress

Meet the Vital Scout: a smart patch you can wear discreetly under clothing to monitor your stress, activity, recovery, and…

6 years ago
Olive: Wearable To Manage Stress + AppOlive: Wearable To Manage Stress + App

Olive: Wearable To Manage Stress + App

Meet the Olive: a smart bracelet that helps you manage your stress. This innovative device tracks your physical indicators of…

10 years ago