raspberry pi

PuppyPi: Android & iPhone Controlled AI Vision Robot Dog

The Raspberry Pi is a wonderful platform for experimenting with robots and electronics. The PuppyPi from Hiwonder is an AI…

3 years ago

SpiderPi Pro Hexapod Robot with AI Vision Robotic Arm, Python & App Control

Here is another Raspberry Pi robot that can take your coding skills to the next level. Powered by the RPi…

3 years ago

Transbot Pi Raspberry Pi ROS Coding Robot

 In the past few years, we have covered plenty of coding robots and toys for kids. The Yahboom Transbot…

3 years ago

13 Raspberry Pi Coding Robots with App Control

 The Raspberry Pi is a wonderful platform for DIY electronics and robots. It is also great for taking your…

3 years ago

Hiwonder GoGoPi Raspberry Pi 4B Python Robot with App Control

Here is another smart robot that combines with a Raspberry Pi and machine vision to teach you a thing or…

3 years ago

LABISTS Smart Magic Mirror for Raspberry Pi

Here is a smart mirror that combines with the Raspberry Pi to display your calendar, weather, news, and other content.…

3 years ago

SunFounder PiCrawler Raspberry Pi Robot Kit

The Raspberry Pi is a wonderful platform for learning electronics and coding. Thanks to the SunFounder PiCrawler, you can build…

3 years ago

PicoCube: 4x4x4 LED Cube for Raspberry Pi Pico

The Raspberry Pi is a wonderful platform for learning electronics and coding. There are already plenty of kits available for…

3 years ago