
B-Robot EVO 2 Self Balancing STEM RobotB-Robot EVO 2 Self Balancing STEM Robot

B-Robot EVO 2 Self Balancing STEM Robot

Here is another educational robot that you can control and program to learn a thing or two about coding. The…

8 years ago
DIY: Arduino Robotic Rolling Backpack with Smartphone ControlDIY: Arduino Robotic Rolling Backpack with Smartphone Control

DIY: Arduino Robotic Rolling Backpack with Smartphone Control

So you would like to be able to summon your rolling backpack or bags? With a bit of Arduino programming,…

8 years ago
LOFI Arduino Robot with Block Based ProgrammingLOFI Arduino Robot with Block Based Programming

LOFI Arduino Robot with Block Based Programming

There is no better way to learn electronics and robotics than building and programming your own Arduino robots. The LOFI…

8 years ago
Using an Arduino Robot to Beat Stack High ScoresUsing an Arduino Robot to Beat Stack High Scores

Using an Arduino Robot to Beat Stack High Scores

Stack By Ketchapp is a pretty addictive game that involves stacking up blocks as high as you can. It has…

8 years ago
Line-us Robot Draws What You Draw On Your TabletLine-us Robot Draws What You Draw On Your Tablet

Line-us Robot Draws What You Draw On Your Tablet

Here is a cool robot that can draw with a pen on paper whatever your draw on your tablet. Line-us…

8 years ago
PLEN2 Arduino Compatible Robot with iOS ControlPLEN2 Arduino Compatible Robot with iOS Control

PLEN2 Arduino Compatible Robot with iOS Control

So you are planning to pick up an open source robot to learn programming and robotics? PLEN2 is just the…

8 years ago
CodeGamer + App: Teach Kids Coding with GamesCodeGamer + App: Teach Kids Coding with Games

CodeGamer + App: Teach Kids Coding with Games

Meet the CodeGamer: a STEM kit that teaches your kids Arduino programming through games. The gamepad has 15 game levels…

8 years ago
1Sheeld+: Multi-purpose Arduino Shield for iOS & Android1Sheeld+: Multi-purpose Arduino Shield for iOS & Android

1Sheeld+: Multi-purpose Arduino Shield for iOS & Android

There is no better way to learn electronics than building your own toys with Arduino and Raspberry Pi. 1Sheeld+ is…

8 years ago