
iOS 6.1 Jailbreak Released, Apple Working on a Music Streaming App

Every year that goes by, more people get comfortable with the idea of jailbreaking their iOS devices. Apple has built…

12 years ago

500px Apps Removed From the App Store, 4.8-inch iPhone Video

The photo sharing service 500px should not need any introduction. Many photographers are familiar with it. The company happens to…

12 years ago

Hackulous Shuts Down, Steve Wozniak Praises Cycloramic

There are many reasons people go about jailbreaking their iPhones. Many do so for gaining more control over what their…

12 years ago

Siano Meron Live TV for iDevices, Evernote Food 2.0 Launched

Many of us are simply too busy to care about what's being shown on TV. But if you rely on…

12 years ago

Google Voice Updated for iOS 6, The Crossover iPhone Credit Card Cover

Google Voice should not need any introduction. It is a very useful service for making phone calls over the Internet…

12 years ago

Apple Releases Podcasts App, Wins a Ban Against Samsung

We have known for quite some time that Apple intended to bring a standalone podcast application to iOS. The wait…

12 years ago

Pebble Watch Works with iPhone, CarrierCompare Compares Carriers

Smart watches have been around for quite some time. But they have not become mainstream so far. With iPhone and…

13 years ago

Flixel Creates Moving Images, AR Tsunami Camera Debuts

We have covered a few animated GIF creation tools for iPhone in the past. The Toronto-based company Flixel Photos has…

13 years ago