Adeept 5DOF Arduino Programmable Robot Arm
There is no better way to learn about robots and coding than building and programming your own. The Adeept 5DOF Robotic Arm Kit comes with everything you need to get[…]
There is no better way to learn about robots and coding than building and programming your own. The Adeept 5DOF Robotic Arm Kit comes with everything you need to get[…]
Here is a smart robot made to keep your cats engaged. The Enabot Ebo has a 1080p HD camera to take photos and videos of your pet. You will also[…]
Adopting a cat or two is quite a lot of fun. Cleaning their litter box is another story though. The Circle Zero Litter Box is a robot that automatically scoops[…]
Meet the Clicbot: another smart coding robot designed to teach your kids a thing or two about programming no matter their current level. This modular robot has 200 reactions. It[…]
Micro:bit is a wonderful platform for coding and building robots. The Xiaomai Robot Car is a neat kit that comes with everything you need to complete an omnidirectional robot. It[…]
Here is another robot kit made for those of you interested in AI development. The JetRacer AI Racing Robot for NVIDIA Jetson Nano is an autonomous car that you can[…]
Robots are wonderful tools to use to teach kids coding and technology concepts. Many companies are building them for kids of all age to get them started with block-based, Python,[…]
Teaching programming to kids doesn’t have to be hard. Not when you can use smart kits such as Kamibot Pi to approach it in a more interactive fashion. These robots[…]