Trouble In Paradise, Application Developers Upset With Apple
0I remember when Apple opened its door to applicati n developers. I thought at the time that charging people $90 for the right to write applications for the platform was strange. But then Apple started rejecting and sometimes removing iPhone applications without proper explanation. Now application developers are upset that Apple is rejecting applications when they are deemed to be competing with Apple’s own apps. Now if Fortume is right with this story, this is going to be a disaster for the platform to say the least.
You can’t expect to attract people and encourage them to write applications for you to just shut them down. I am sure Steve Jobs and co will take a hard look at this approach and realize that you just can’t take a Microsoft-like approach to iPhone platform. I understand that Apple needs to control its platform, but if they start mowing down applications that compete with theirs, it’s time to say enough is enough.