Interactive Tweets Coming to iOS, Fold Away iPhone Keyboard Debuts
0Twitter has been going through some major changes recently. The company no longer offers LinkedIn integration. By now, most 3rd party developers for Twitter have gotten the hint that more changes are on the way. Twitter’s client for iPhone is pretty hard to beat but it’s going to get even better. As 9 to 5 Mac has reported, Twitter for iPhone will soon be updated to version 4.3 with a whole host of new features, including the ability to view interactive tweets with embeddable content and push notification options for individual users.

Twitter’s official app for iPhone is going to get a whole lot better. Twitter wants its users to spend more time with its own apps rather than third party apps such as Tweetbot. Will these upcoming updates change many people’s mind? We will have to wait and see.
Whether you are tweeting or texting a lot on your iPhone, you may be able to do it faster by using a physical keyboard. Your phone may not come with one. But Spike for iPhone could solve your problem. It makes typing on your iPhone much easier. Unlike many other keyboards that we have tested, Spike does not require a Bluetooth connection. It positions itself directly above the virtual keyboard on the iPhone’s screen to save you time typing on your device. As a keyboard and protective case, Spike looks pretty exciting. The product is currently being funded through Kickstarter.