Google Latitude Comes to iPhone, iPad, and iPod Touch
0Google Latitude has finally made it to iPhone (again). This time around, it seems it will be here to stay. It is a free application that allows iDevice owners to share their location with their friends and connect with their friends and colleagues more effectively. This service was always available to iDevice owners through the web. Google has rebuilt Latitude for iOS from ground up to offer a more powerful experience to iDevice owners (video after the break):
Though we released Latitude as a web application before the iPhone supported third party background applications, today�s Latitude app was built from the ground up using iOS 4�s new multitasking capability to support background updating. You�ll need iOS 4 and above on an iPhone 3GS or iPhone 4 to use the app.
While it is true that not all those 9 million Latitude users are taking advantage of it actively, the number is impressive nonetheless. The service still needs a lot of work though. At this time, Google Latitude enables iDevice owners to share their location with the world with the option to keep their privacy intact (if they choose to do so).
Google Latitude is a work in progress at this point. Even though Google has gone out of its way to ease the worries of privacy advocates, concerns still remain surrounding this service. Google may have millions of Latitude users but can the company actually get people to use this service actively?