4 Awesome Night Camera iPhone Apps
0The new iPhones are better than ever in low light conditions. Even if you have an older phone, there are apps you can download to achieve better night captures. Here are 4 night camera iPhone apps you don’t want to miss:
NeuralCam: this AI app lets you capture better night photos on your phone. It captures a varying number of frames and uses advanced image processing algorithms to merge the frames and brighten the colors.
NightCap Camera: lets you capture DSLR quality photos and capture the night sky beautifully. With AI camera control, you will have focus and exposure set automatically for brighter photos. It supports up to 4K resolution on iPhone 6s and over.
Night Camera Pro: this clever app takes 16 long exposure photos in a sequence and merges them to create the perfect low noise night photo. You can adjust sharpness, highlights, saturation, and other settings.
Night Eyes: this night app uses smart algorithms for real-time light amplification. It lets you switch to exposure mode and use color filters such as green, red, sepia. Supports front and back cameras and landscape, portrait modes.
Have you found better night camera iPhone apps? Please share them here.