Measure Your Site Traffic on iPhone: 6 Apps
0In the past couple of years, we have covered plenty of SEO, AdSense and analytics tools for iPhone and iPad. Most webmasters understand the importance of optimizing their sites for the search engines and tracking their results. While checking your traffic every minute can be distracting, you do need to track the number of visitors you get on a regular basis to plan future content and address potential issues with your site. These 6 apps let you track your site traffic and visitors on your iPhone and iPad: an elegant application that lets you keep track of your traffic and top content on your iPhone.
Analytics Pro: Google Analytics is a free powerful you can use to track your site stats. Thanks to this app, you can access your data on your phone.
Compete Site Analytics: provides you with site stats using data. The data includes unique visitors, site rank, and other relevant metrics.
Statistics for WordPress: a useful tool for WordPress-powered sites. It shows daily/weekly/monthly visits, referrers, search terms, and clicked links.
Audience: another elegant application that keeps you up-to-date with your data from Google Analytics. It uses colors and big numbers to display your results.
Chartbeat: this list would not be complete without a free Analytics app. This one looks good and lets you track your stats in real time. It covers your mobile and social data too.
The above apps were stable in our tests and make tracking your stats easy. Have you found better apps? Please add them below.