7 Fitness Challenge Apps for iPhone & iPad
0So you think you are fit? A lot of people think so until they take a fitness test. You will need a well-balanced fitness plan to become fully fit. These 7 iPhone apps allow you to test your fitness level to see how far you have to go to become fully fit:
Boot Camp Challenge: it has 3 programs and over 200 exercises to push your body hard. Its beat-sync technology matches the tempo of your music to your workout.
30 Day Ab Challenge: a 30 day exercise plan that focuses on your abs. The workout intensity increases as you get closer to day 30.
500 Bodyweight Challenge: provides you with a special blend of bodyweight workouts to help you burn calories and get fit. You can record your time to try and beat it.
30 Day Body-Weight Only Fitness Challenge: it has over 1700 custom workouts for you to use. Its on the go workouts don’t take a whole lot of time to complete.
300 Kettlebell Challenge: shows you how to put your kettlebells to good use and burn calories. When you are ready, take the challenge to test yourself.
Situps 0 to 200: teaches you how to prepare your body for 200 situps. You can listen to music, earn wins, and more.
The 7 Minute Workout: this workout has been covered in the media a lot in the past few months. It consists of 12 simple moves that you can do in 7 minutes or so. The app provides you with natural voice cues to keep you on track.
Have you found better fitness challenge apps for iPhone? Please share it here.