Check out these uniquely awesome
✔️ iPhone gadgets & gizmos The field of social media has exploded in the past few months and everybody is on Twitter, Facebook, MySpace, FriendFeed, and tens of other social networking sites. If you haven’t taken your time to get yourself familiar with these sites, now’s the time. And if you have an iPhone, you can now do everything social media while you are on the go. Can’t get easier than that.
Whether you are interested in tweeting or updating your Facebook status online, here are 160 social media applications for iPhone that allow you to take your mobile social networking game to the next level:
- Tweetie 2: One of the best social networking apps for iPhone. It makes it so easy to share files with your followers from your iPhone. The interface is very intuitive and easy to use.
- Twittelator: one of the best Twitter apps for the iPhone. It’s very convenient and comes with a lot of themes.
- Tweetdeck: if you have been on Twitter for a while, you probably know how good Tweetdeck is. And this one is going for free.
- TwitterFon Pro: one of the best iPhone clients for Twitter. Has everything you need to manage your Twitter account.
- TweetFlip: very similar in concept to Tweetdeck. Set up your panels and master your Twitter account.
- iTwitter: another innovative Twitter application for iPhone that makes it so easy to manage your followers.
- Voxie Pro Recorder: tired of texting on your phone? Now you can dictate to it.
- BirdFeed: another impressive Twitter client for iPhone. Great way to keep up with the latest updates on Twitter.
- Ziibii: is a great little app for folks who want to connect to Twitter, Facebook, and YouTube all from one place. And it’s free too!
- Twitter 3D: an innovative app that lets you manage your Twitter account and have fun in the process.
- SimplyTweet: manage your Twitter account or multiple accounts on your iPhone.
- TweetMic: create you own Twittercast and publish it on Twitter.
- Twitter World: uses Google’s translation service to let you talk to foreigners on Twitter.
- Twitterena: is a Twitter client on steroid. Everything you need to tweet more effectively is available in this app.
- Twinkle: a decent iPhone Twitter client that allows you to get in touch with your followers easily.
- Twitterrific: is still one of the top Twitter clients for the iPhone. It may have slipped a bit but it’s still up there with the big boys.
- Twittms: is a great way to send direct messages on Twitter. It’s simple to use too!
- Retweet: are you a retweet master? If you want to find out top retweeted stories, this is your app.
- LaTwit: is a sophisticated Twitter app that allows you to do all kinds of things on your
- GeoTwitter: automatically attaches map links to your tweets so people know where you are tweeting from!
- Whrrl: is another cool social networking application that allows you to stay in touch with your friends on Facebook and Twitter.
- TwitterTrak: is another simple Twitter iPhone client. It’s very easy to use.
- Twiltr: allows you to filter your tweets easily on your iPhone.
- TwitterVision: is a cool Twitter application for iPhone that allows you to see where in the world people are tweeting from. Very fun to use.
- Twitter Trend: find the latest trends on Twitter with this app.
- Twitterville: if you are not satisfied with the above clients, here is another option to consider.
- Twitterlink: shorten your links fast with this free app.
- Tweetout: the fastest way to write a tweet and submit it to Twitter.
- Snap2Twitter: upload photos to Twitter easily with this free app.
- Twitterboost: find cool people to follow on Twitter easily with Twitterboost.
- Twitterfall: keep track of discussion and the latest trends on iPhone with this free app.
- Birdhouse: save your ideas and future tweet posts and take them with you while you are on the move.
- Duo: lets you update your Twitter and Facebook accounts from the same app. It’s free too.
- Type N Walk: an innovative app that lets you type and look at what’s ahead of you at the same time.
- Photonest: a simple little app that makes it easy to post pictures to Twitter.
- Facebook: the official Facebook application for iPhone. It’s free too.
- VideoUp for Facebook: upload your videos easily to Facebook.
- Smartsync: keep track of your contacts and stay up to date with this cool app.
- MyPhone+ for Facebook: sync your contact information and pictures with iPhone easily with MyPhone+.
- fex for Facebook: sync your friends pictures and information with your iPhone using this app (birthdays, …).
- Occasions: Occasions syncs with your Facebook and lets you keep track of those important birthday dates.
- FriendSync: share your iPhone contacts with Facebook. Get their Facebook profile when they call you. Just awesome.
- Facebook PixSter: an amazingly easy way to upload photos to Facebook right from your phone!
- Facebook Easy Status: a cool application that lets you update your Facebook status when you are on the go.
- FaceMic: send audio updates to your Facebook account with this cool app.
- Pastebook: allows you to easily share your clipboard content on Facebook.
- Facebook a Quote: lets you update your status from its list of quotes.
- BuddyFeed: a premium client for FriendFeed junkies. Very powerful and comes with everything you need to take care of your FriendFeed account.
- Alert Thingy: one of the best Friendfeed Twitter clients out there. Makes it so simple to manage your account.
- Pingle: a client based on Ping.FM that allows you to update your FriendFeed page fast.
- Statuso: a great little app that lets you update your FriendFeed or Facebook status easily.
- Compose: allows you to send notes and links to your FriendFeed account.
- Nambu: a free app for FriendFeed that lets you manage your account while you are on the go. Not as good as the premium ones but still good.
- webfeedr: another FriendFeed client that lets you post updates and access your info on your phone.
- Freshfeed: a simple FriendFeed app for iPhone and iPod Touch. Great way to stay on the top of things.
- Amigo: another cool FriendFeed client that lets you do everything you would want to do on FriendFeed from your phone.
- LinkedIn: the official iPhone application that lets you manage your LinkedIn account on iPhone.
- OneSeek: lets you search multiple social networking sites, including LinkedIn, fast.
- Proxy Pal: my favorite application on this list. Lets you find proxy servers to connect to get around network filters.
- A Personal Assistant: manage LinkedIn and a whole lot of other personal accounts with A Personal Assistant.
- FastFinder: another search application that lets you find things fast on your phone. Can search LinkedIn, IMDb, …
- Resume Pro: if you want to find a job on LinkedIn, you are going to need a decent resume. This is the app for that.
- Download Manager: a cool app that lets you download files on your phone without too much trouble.
- myVideos: search, find, and download your favorite YouTube videos to your iPhone!
- Face Melter Pro: create art work from your images and send them to YouTube.
- YouTube Select: watch the best YouTube has to offer on your phone.
- Tubey: create and upload videos to Facebook and YouTube.
- YouTube Favorites: it’s YouTube on steroids. Better way to browse to video.
- Bespoke YouTube: create your own Bespoke channel right from your iPhone.
- YouTube Subscriptions: another decent app for browsing YouTube videos.
- Hebrew YouTube Search: search for videos on YouTube using Hebrew.
- Thai YouTube Search: similar to the above app, except you use Thai.
- Mobile Fotos: a wonderful application that lets you browse and upload your own pictures to Flickr.
- Flickit: upload your photos to your Flickr account fast with this free app.
- Naked Touch: not only allows you to edit your images on your iPhone but you can upload them directly to Flickr or Facebook.
- Darkside Premium: Darkside is a great way to browse yours and your friends’ photos on your iPhone.
- GeoLogTag: uses your GPS to automatically tag your photos when you upload them to Flickr.
- ShoZu: a free application that lets you upload your photos to Flickr, Facebook, Blogger, and …
- Flickup: another simple application for uploading photos to Flickr.
- Flickr Searchr: search through Flickr pictures and download them to your phone easily.
- Flickr Mixr: Mixr sends interesting Flickr images to your phone. Simple as that.
- FlowChat: one of the best chatting application around for iPhone.
- Ember: a CampFire client that lets you chat like a pro on your phone.
- IM+: The mother of all chat programs for iPhone. Chat on GTalk, Yahoo, ICQ, MSN, and … with IM+.
- Beejive IM: pushes IM+ too hard at the top. Great IM app for those who are consistently on the go.
- Agile Messenger: another instant messenger for iPhone compatible with top services.
- Touchat: chat and sketch with your friends on GTalk.
- Yahoo! Messenger: the official Yahoo! app for iPhone.
- LimeChat: a complete IRC client for iPhone. Very easy to use and powerful.
- Chat Rooms: need someone to talk to? Here is you chance.
- Rooms: another IRC chat client for iPhone.
- Doodle Chat: chat like a pro the doodle way with Doodle Chat.
- Photo Chat: Photo Chat lets you chat with your friends with images.
- 360 Games: keep up with the latest Xbox games right on your phone.
- XBMC Remote: control your Xbox, PC, or media center with XBMC Remote.
- Friendz: lets you find out who’s online on Xbox Live and what they are doing.
- Xbox Live Friends: manage your Xbox Live friends more effectively from your iPhone.
- Cheat Codes Xbox: get the latest Xbox cheat codes on your iPhone.
- Add Xbox Live Friends: another cool free tool to manage your Xbox friends.
- Xmote: control your Xbox media center with your iPhone using Xmote.
- iTookThisonMyPhone: sends your Photo to your Photobucket account automatically.
- MoPho: browse your photos on social sites such as Photobucket, Facebook, and Flickr on your iPhone.
- iRent Movie: a premium application that is a must have if you are a Netflix junkie.
- iPhlix: an innovative application that makes managing your Netflix account like a piece of cake.
- PhoneFlix: PhoneFlix is a free app that lets you manage your Netflix queue easily on your phone.
- Queutastic: a free app (which should really not be free) that gives you an easy way to manage your queue.
- pFlix: not only allows you to manage your queue, it also lets you share your movies on Twitter and other social networks.
- TheTumblr: the best way to get your Tumblr account under control on your iPhone.
- Tumble Pro: another cool Tumblr application for iPhone that lets you manage multiple account and post easily from your iPhone.
- Tumblr: the official Tumblr application for iPhone.
Texting (SMS)
- Free Texting SMS: send free text messages from your iPhone.
- Text Free Unlimited: one of the best texting apps for iPhone. Send free messages from iPhone or iPod Touch.
- Quick Texting: send free SMS from your iPhone or iPod Touch fast. Manage your buddy list and connect with friends too.
- SMS Touch: SMS Touch lets you send SMS from your iPod Touch. Comes with a spell checker too.
- Unlimited SMS: send unlimited number of SMS messages from your iPhone.
- Networds SMS and IM Dictionary: can’t keep up with the younger kids when it comes to texting? Learn what all those 4 letter words mean with this app.
- Fake SMS: just a fun app that lets you pretend you are talking with a celebrity.
- SMSenger: send text messages to multiple friends from your iPhone or iPod Touch.
- Freedom SMS: send free text messages from your phone and receive notifications too.
- Free SMS: lots of carriers to choose from. Send free SMS from your iPhone.
- Voice Text Pro: voice activated SMS for iPhone.
- Sky SMS: lets you send text messages through various providers.
- Jelly SMS: send SMS to any of your contacts right from your iPhone.
- Quicksend: another decent app for SMS.
- Text for Free: send SMS messages for free through e-mail.
- Texter: send photo messages from your iPhone or iPod Touch.
- iTxt+: send unlimited text messages from your iPhone using iTxt+.
- PhotoSMS: yet another app that lets you send free text messages from your iPhone.
- iBlogger: a complete blogging solution for all kinds of platforms. Compatible with Typepad, WordPress, and …
- WordPress: if you have a WordPress blog, you can easily update it from your iPhone with this free app.
- Typepad: great for Typepad bloggers. If you own a Typepad site, you got to try this free app.
- LiveJournal: another cool app for bloggers who are using LiveJournal.
- BlogPress Pro: another great app if you want to blog and share pics with your readers while you are on the go.
- PicPosterous: lets you take videos and photos on your phone and post it to the web.
- WeePhone SIP: send your voice over the Internet. Cool VoIP app for iPhone.
- SIP Phone: another cool VoIP application for iPhone.
- Bump: a great way to exchange your contact information with colleagues and friends.
- Dictanet: record content and edit them right on your iPhone.
- iPlurk: if you are into Plurk, you are going to like this app. Upload photos, update your account, and more from your phone.
- VR+ Voice Messenger: record and share your content easily with VR+.
- mBox Mail: a premium hotmail client for iPhone and iPod Touch.
- JMDictate: another cool application to record voice notes and content on your phone.
- Delicious: manage your delicious bookmarks on the go with this app.
- MySpace: the official MySpace app for iPhone.
- Loopt: a great way to connect with your friends and build relationships.
- Zephr: a cool way to write and share messages via iPhone.
- Blackbook: manage your contacts with their social media accounts and all their details with this app.
- Email Emoticons: great way to add emoticons to your e-mails on your iPhone.
- FriendCaller VoIP: turns your iPhone and iPod Touch to a complete VoIP phone. It’s free too.
- Diggle: manage your Digg account on your iPhone.
- TruPhone: TruePhone turns your iPod Touch into a phone. Make free calls from your iPod Touch.
- iStumble: combines Digg, StumbleUpon, Delicious, and Reddit.
- Answers: ask questions and get your answers on your phone.
- iTalk Recorder: record voice notes and content on your iPhone easily with this app.
- Plurk: the official Plurk app for iPhone.
- PartyBoxLive: find out how parties and events around you. Great way to connect offline with your online friends.
- iClosebyWiFi: find WiFi networks around you for your iPod or your iPhone.
- Fring: a free VoIP application for iPhone.
- PhotoKast: a cool app that lets you broadcast your photos easily from your iPhone.
- Midomi: a great music application that identifies what music is playing. Very useful.
Your turn: There you have it. You can expect this list to get much bigger as more apps are introduced to the market. In the meantime, please don’t forget to share your experiences with them here. And if I have missed an app, please share, and I’ll add it to the list.
Update 12/22: adding about 10 more cool applications (including latest Twitter apps) to the list.
P.S. Don’t forget to give this digg or delicious love!
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