3 Exciting Upcoming Solar iPhone Speakers
0We have seen a lot of iPhone solar chargers in the past. They certainly make life convenient for iPhone owners who want to spend some time on the road. But chargers are not the only things that can be powered with solar technology. A few companies are in the process of bringing solar iPhone speakers to the market. While it’s tough to make a judgment on these speakers without testing them, they are certainly something to look forward to.
Without further ado, here are 3 solar speakers for iPhone that are worth checking out:
Et�n Soulra Solar Powered Sound System for iPod and iPhone: Eton’s solar products need no introduction. This one is not only good looking and rugged, it’s splash proof. It uses solar power to let you listen to your music outdoors.
ReNu Solar Powered Audio Dock for iPod and iPhone: a solar iPhone dock that not only lets you sync your device with your computer, it provides 8 hours of music when charged using solar energy.
ReNu ReVerb Flat Panel Speaker with Built-in Solar Panel: not a cheap speaker system by any means. Has an integrated photovoltaic panel and can provide 12 hours of play time for your iPhone when charged.
These are pretty exciting devices (though they are not cheap). It’ll be interesting to see if these speakers perform as advertised.