5 Blood Glucose Monitoring Systems for iPhone
1Blood glucose monitoring is all about testing the concentration of glucose in the blood. It is particularly important for folks who are suffering from diabetes. You will need a reliable meter to complete these tests. These 5 blood glucose monitors work in conjunction with your iPhone to keep you on the right track:
iBGStar Blood Glucose Monitoring System: it has everything you need to test your blood. It lets you see, manage and access your diabetes information on your smartphone.
Glooko system: these guys have an IR adapter, MeterSync Cable, and an app, which saves you time tracking your readings. These are compatible with ACCU-CHEK meters.
Gmat SMART: this blood glucose meter is compatible with the iPhone 5 and does not require an additional adapter to work. It connects directly to the headphone jack of your iPhone 5. Don’t forget to download its free companion app.
Telecare: a wireless glucose meter that automatically uploads patients’ data online and offers optional sync with iPhones.
Vampire Glucose Monitor: an attractive concept by Diana Dumitrescu. It looks fun but lets you complete your tests and sync data with your smartphone.
These blood glucose meters are simple to use and pair with your smartphone to make managing your data easier. They are not always cheap but worth the investment for folks suffering from diabetes.
oh wow its awesome my mother had a sugar disease and many time i was checked from lab but this news i can’t here before tomorrow i will go and purchase this phone