Top 5 Mind Mapping Apps for iPad
9Mind mapping is a wonderful way to divide and conquer problems. It’s a technique used by many innovators, entrepreneurs, and designers. These days you don’t need a piece of paper or a computer program to do some mind-mapping. Not when you can grab a decent application to get the job done on your iPad. In fact, these 5 mind-mapping iPad apps make you never want to go back to your old way of doing it:
iThoughtsHD: the mind-mapping application that I am using on my iPad at the moment. It has a very easy to use interface, does not crash, and does what it promises. Supports external monitors and offers wireless upload capability.
MindMeister: another decent app in this category, especially if you have an online account too. You can sync your maps and diagrams and even import maps from MindManager and Freemind.
Popplet for iPad: more than just a mind-map application, Popplet can be used to record your thoughts, create diagrams, and even plan your future travels.
OmniGraffle for iPad: can be used to create diagrams, process charts, page layouts, website wireframes, and even graphic designs. It’s one of the most design suites around, and it’s not cheap by any means.
Whiteboard HD for iPad: it gives you your very own portable white-board. Use it to note down your ideas, draw diagrams, and add all kinds of shapes/information to it.
Please add your favorite mind-mapping apps for iPad (or iPhone) below.
You mean the Mindjet Mindmanager app doesn't make the top 5. In the PC worlkd, That's like listing WordStar, Word Perfect, Lotus Symphony, Adobe Buzzword and not listing Microsoft Word!
It would if it did not crash on us so often. We don't just list products here for the sake of doing it or by brand. We test each and every one 🙂 I am a big fan of other products from that company but not the iPad app.
Idea sketch is free and does what you need too
good suggestion 🙂
I use Dooster on mine and it's fine. I don't use my Ipad massively. But works on it for mind mapping when I need to. also has a free trial I think?
Ya idea sketch is grat but I cant add picture or do super n sub script
Do any of the mindmapping apps for Ipad combine mindmaps with a really good organiser/todo/reminder facility?
I want one which I can AirPlay to appletv so we can collaborate in my lounge any of these do this?
I use Dooster s a mind mapping solution on my ipad. It's basically collaborative software which is a must-get for busy organisations. We haven't had it that long but absolutely love it.