10 Best iPad Business Apps
0iPhone is a great business tool if used the right way. In some ways, iPad goes even beyond what iPhone has to offer. Let’s not forget that the extra large screen does make tackling business documents and doing business chores much more convenient. Managing your contacts, opening documents, and printing things right from your iPad are all possible as long as you have the right apps on your device.
With that said, here are 10 powerful iPad apps every business professional should consider picking up:
Things for iPad: the ultimate task manager and to do list application for iPad. Makes it very easy to manage daily tasks and projects.
iAnnotate PDF: lets you transfer, open, and annotate your PDF files on your iPad. Great for making changes to documents too.
Pages for iPad: a fun word processor for iPad that lets you create and share documents easily on your device. If you are a Mac user, you know what to expect here.
PrintCentral for iPad: PrintCentral is one powerful app that makes life easy for business pros who need to print documents from their iPad.
Office HD: create and edit Word (DOC) and Excel (XLS) files on your iPad. Office HD integrates with Google Docs, DropBox and MobileMe iDisk too.
iThoughts HD: a great app for innovators. Mind-mapping is a great way to brainstorm and solve issues in a visual way. This app is designed to do just that.
iSSH – SSH / VNC Console: if you are a technical business person, you are going to love this app. Having the ability to make SSH connections from an iPad is powerful. This app supports multiple connections too.
QuickVoice2Text Email (PRO Recorder): a great iPad app for business. it lets you send text emails from your iPad using your voice.
FTP On The Go: a very handy iPad business app for those of you who own your own website. View and edit HTML/CSS/JS/PHP/ASP, and all kinds of other files right on your iPad.
i-Clickr PowerPoint Remote for iPad: who needs one of those physical (and expensive I might add) presenters when you can have this app on your iPad.
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