Shooting your vacation, the iPhone 4 way: Pt 2
A guest post by Mike Smithwick, author of Distant Suns 3 for the iPhone/iPad and blogger at Mike is a seasoned iPhone/iPad developer who has developed numerous iPhone applications. He has recently released Distant Suns 3. Follow Mike’s work on Twitter for more information. [Read the first part of this story]
After leaving my cameras in the men�s room at Gate 25 of the Santiago, Chile airport (D�oh!), it became Hey! Look! An eclipse!necessary to make my iPhone 4 my exclusive camera to shoot the July 11 total solar eclipse.
This posting is merely some observations about the phone�s handling in less than ideal conditions.
The eclipse�s path began in Argentinean Patagonia, the most southern province in Argentina. Our target was the town of El Catafane, pop. 25000, a popular destination for summer vacationers.
While Patagonia was not known for clear skies during the winter, about 20 eclipse chasers and me (the only certifiable �eclipse virgin�) came from all across the US and Mexico hoping against the odds to see a sunset corona. Totality was to take place when the sun was a mere 1 degree above the horizon immediately before sunset.
The promised clouds and snow never materialized, as Sunday dawned perfectly clear, and surprisingly warm, with a temp peaking about 45F degrees.
Four of our party brought pretty hefty DSLRs, everyone else would use their small pocket cameras and me with my iPhone. One woman from San Diego had just purchased a Nikon DSLR but still didn�t feel comfortable using it so told me I could us it instead while she�d take the iPhone.