Octane X App for M1 & M2 iPads Debuts
0Octane X shouldn’t need any introduction to game designers, motion graphics artists, and visual effect professionals. With the introduction of Octane X for M1 and M2 iPads, users can now use this GPU rendering engine on their tablet. It supports all the features of Octane X for macOS. Designed for serious professionals, this app supports external monitors, keywords, Bluetooth mice, and trackpads.
Octane X comes with ACES, OCIO and deep pixel EXR rendering. It also has an AI Denoiser. It offers support for Apple Pencil. Users will be able to export their work to Cinema4D, Maya, Houdini, Blender, and other 3D tools. Artists can access decentralized GPUs on the Render Network to optimize their workflow. You are going to need a M1 or M2 iPad with iPadOS 16 or later to run this app.
[where to get it]