iPad Apps

Dcoder: iPhone Code Compiler with 35+ LanguagesDcoder: iPhone Code Compiler with 35+ Languages

Dcoder: iPhone Code Compiler with 35+ Languages

You don't always need a laptop or desktop computer to write and run code. Take Dcoder for iPhone for instance:…

5 years ago
CycleGo Indoor Cycling iPhone App with Virtual RoutesCycleGo Indoor Cycling iPhone App with Virtual Routes

CycleGo Indoor Cycling iPhone App with Virtual Routes

Exercising indoors is not everyone's cup of tea but many of us are forced to do it these days. There…

5 years ago
5 Military Grade Navigation Apps for iPhone5 Military Grade Navigation Apps for iPhone

5 Military Grade Navigation Apps for iPhone

There are plenty of iPhone GPS apps available for drivers, hikers, cyclists and people who spend a lot of time…

5 years ago
Einstein Brain Trainer for iPhoneEinstein Brain Trainer for iPhone

Einstein Brain Trainer for iPhone

Just like our body, our brain also needs a workout from time to time to stay sharp. In the past…

5 years ago
Jedona: Java Compiler for iPhone & iPadJedona: Java Compiler for iPhone & iPad

Jedona: Java Compiler for iPhone & iPad

Java is one of the most popular languages these days. You will need the right environment and compiler to run…

5 years ago
Probabilities of Statistical Distributions for iPhoneProbabilities of Statistical Distributions for iPhone

Probabilities of Statistical Distributions for iPhone

Those of you who have studied statistics know about various statistical distributions. They all have their own formulas and special…

5 years ago
5 Must See Command Line iPhone Apps5 Must See Command Line iPhone Apps

5 Must See Command Line iPhone Apps

You shouldn't need a desktop computer to access and manage your servers and run UNIX commands. Not when you can…

5 years ago
6 Bird Identifier Apps for iPhone6 Bird Identifier Apps for iPhone

6 Bird Identifier Apps for iPhone

Birds are all around us. Not all of us can recognize all of them by name though. Here are 6…

5 years ago
Bughouse Chess Pro for iPhoneBughouse Chess Pro for iPhone

Bughouse Chess Pro for iPhone

Chess is already challenging on its own but you can have even more fun with some of its variants. Take…

5 years ago
Coder’s Stone Programming Language Quick-Reference App for iPhoneCoder’s Stone Programming Language Quick-Reference App for iPhone

Coder’s Stone Programming Language Quick-Reference App for iPhone

It is no secret that you can apply basic coding concepts such as loops, variables and conditional statements in all…

5 years ago