7 iPhone & iPad Apps for Professors
0Smart devices such as iPhone and iPad have made life a lot easier for many people, including teachers and professors. These devices can be used to record attendance, store grades, and teach in a more effective fashion. Here are 7 iOS apps professors and teachers shouldn’t miss:
GradeBook Pro: a classroom management app that lets you record scores, take attendance, and monitor student performance. It lets you import scores via e-mail or cloud.
Attendance2: lets you take attendance faster. It displays photos next to names and supports custom statuses.
Rate My Professors: this app helps students find the professor that is right for them. It also is a useful tool to see what feedback students are giving you.
Teacher’s Aide: another app for taking attendance and recording grades in class. Lets you import course and student data from CSV files.
ZipGrade: lets you grade paper tests faster. It also organizes results for reporting.
Roll Call: lets your students take their own attendance. In Roll Call mode, you can check students by tapping on their photo. Lets you import student information from a CSV file.
Scanner Pro 7: turns your iPhone into a portable scanner, so you can scan reading materials for your students and do a whole lot more.
Have you found better iPhone apps for professors? Please share them here.