5 Skin Cancer Apps for iPhone & iPad
0Skin cancer is not fun to deal with. If you scan your skin for changes regularly, you will have an easier time catching cancer signs before they become more serious. These 5 apps let you scan your skin on your iOS or Android device:
DermLite: lets you capture images on your phone for diagnosis. You can magnify lesions up to 20x. It works with the HUD skin scanner to teach you about skin cancer.
Skin Cancer App: helps you with self-examinations. The app lets you take pictures of your moles and analyze them over time.
MoleScope: this skin cancer app is useful for skin screening and mole checkups at home. It lets you monitor moles and track changes over time.
First Derm: gives you access to a dermatologist anonymously. You can ask about eczema, acne, cold sores, and other skin issues.
DermCheck Dermatology: this app gives you access to professionals capable of diagnosing different skin issues, such as acne, moles, dandruff, dry skins, and eczema.
Have you found better skin cancer apps? Please share them here.