7 Awesome Reddit Apps for iPhone & iPad
0Reddit is one of the most exciting social networks around. It has been around for a long time and has a very strong following. Those of you who have been active on the site in the past know how much fun it is. You can always manage your Reddit account from your desktop computer. But there are plenty of decent iOS clients available for Reddit as well. Here are 7 Reddit iPhone apps you should check out:
Alien Blue: one of our favorite Reddit clients for iPhone. It has almost everything one would need to manage a Reddit account on the go. It comes integrated with Readability. It supports subreddits and Instapaper.
Karma Reddit Client: this client is quite popular and for a good reason. The developers have paid a lot of attention to simplicity when designing this. You can post new links, read comments, and do a whole lot more easily.
iReddit: this is the official Reddit app for iPhone. You will be able to keep up with the latest Reddit news through this app. It helps you find random, interesting stories too.
Redd Alien: this is a universal application that helps you keep up with images on Reddit. You can use swipe gestures to vote up, vote down, and interact with Reddit stories.
Reddit Pics HD: Reddit community members upload and link to a ton of awesome images on a daily basis. This app helps you keep up with new stories on your iOS device.
Reddit Pics Pro: yet another app you can use to keep up with the top images from Reddit on your iOS device. It is free at the time of this writing.
Reddit TV: this free app brings you the most popular videos from Reddit. This works well on the iPhone and iPad.
What’s your favorite Reddit app for iOS?